Traveling clinics in your area when you may not be able to see your primary care provider or do not have a primary care provider.
Mobile Primary Care Clinics address non-urgent, low acuity health issues and is not an emergency service. Care is provided using a team approach, which include nurse practitioners and family physicians.
Some of the main concerns that can be addressed at Mobile Primary Care Clinics include:
- Prescription refills or renewals
- Mild strains/sprains
- Mild headaches
- Earaches
- Sore throat
- Minor infections
- Skin and eye irritations
- Mild asthma
- Minor respiratory issues
- Cough, flu, or cold symptoms
- Urinary tract infections
With multiple locations across the province, some require an appointment whereas others are drop in only.
To learn more and find your nearest clinic, visit Mobile Primary Care Clinics.

The global shortage of healthcare professionals requires that we look at non-traditional approaches for delivering healthcare. And while we continue to work hard at recruiting and retaining more doctors, nurses and other vital healthcare workers, we must also look at new ways to meet the more immediate healthcare needs of Nova Scotians. “The mobile clinic, along with VirtualCareNS, the introduction of urgent treatment centres, more community-based primary care clinics, and expanding the scope of primary care services offered by pharmacies will ensure thousands more Nova Scotians have access to care.
-Michelle Thompson, Minister of Health and Wellness