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Seniors and Long-Term Care

Providing older Nova Scotians with the wellness and care they deserve, where and when they need it.

Investing in Long-term Care Facilities 

  • Expanded the plan for long-term care infrastructure, bringing the total number of new spaces to 1,200 and replacing 2,300 beds with single living spaces with their own washrooms.
  • Extend the life of many current spaces through a one-time capital funding for long-term care facilities for equipment, upgrades and repairs in long-term care facilities.
  • Implementing the 4.1 standard of care in facilities to provide more hands-on care across the province 

Aging Well in Communities

  • Expanding the Centres for Rural Aging and Health (CORAH), a successful partnership with NSCC that helps seniors connect to learning and recreational opportunities in their communities.
  • Increasing the amounts available through the Seniors Care Grant
  • Providing older Nova Scotians with the high dose flu vaccines 

Workforce Development 

  • Providing thousands of students studying to become Continuing Care Assistants with free tuition and books. 
  • Implementing a new pilot pathway to help people move from CCA to LPN, which will cover the full cost of tuition/books and offer extra support such as tutoring.


  • Removing red-tape and making it easier for seniors and their loved ones to access homecare supports
  • New CAPABLE pilot program to help Nova Scotians stay in their homes longer by making tailored renovations in someone’s home to match their unique needs. 

If you or your loved one needs assistance to remain in your home or require support following a recent hospital stay, you can be referred to Nova Scotia Health Continuing Care. For more information or to make a referral, please call 1-800-225-7225 (toll free). Once you make a referral, Continuing Care will work with you or your loved one to create a plan of care that is right for you, this may include home care services from a contracted agency.