Our progress on what we will do
Not Started
Work Underway
Work Ongoing
Establish a leadership development program with greater attention given to underrepresented groups, including Indigenous and African Nova Scotians.

Review and refresh long-term care funding and agreements.

Explore funding models that provide more choice for both individuals and caregivers, providing them with more opportunities to arrange their own services, while ensuring accountability for investments made.

Introduce a healthcare auditor as a new officer of the legislature to guide and support a culture of continuous improvement.

Review and modify the organizational structure of healthcare to reduce duplication and ensure it’s designed around patient needs and behaviours.

Improve governance in the continuing care system to reduce administration and confusion, and improve accountability.

Develop modern and flexible legislation and regulatory regime that supports a person-centred approach to service delivery in continuing care.

Review the current approach to case management to ensure a person-centred approach that maximizes flexibility for client in continuing care and their families.

Review existing workflows for opportunities to reduce the amount of time spent on paperwork.

Implement digital solutions to improve processes.

Continue to identify opportunities to reduce unnecessary administrative burden on physicians, staff, and patients.

Develop an Integrated Health Services Planning Framework that outlines program standards and standards for the delivery of health services.

Develop health system indicators to measure and report publicly on progress and performance of the health system.

Maintain performance agreements with the health authorities.

Use data to drive decisions and determine where improvement is needed.

Work with diverse communities to ensure access to culturally specific information.

Continue to integrate continuing-care programs with other areas of the health system to improve transitions and continuity of care.

Establish new ways of working with Tajikeimɨk to support Mi’kmaw-led health priorities and improved health outcomes for Mi’kmaq and other Indigenous groups.

Establish a health equity partnership including Department of Health and Wellness, NS Health, IWK, and other stakeholders to understand and address equity issues in the system.

Establish a Patient Navigation Program to support Indigenous patients, and equity-seeking and racialized patients, navigating the health system.

Improve the integration of mental health and addictions services across the health system, including primary healthcare and emergency departments.

Champion a three-digit mental health crisis phone line.

Conduct a full review of the formulary of drugs covered by Pharmacare programs to ensure the needs of Nova Scotians are met.